pwgl-users: MusicXML-Export: error-messages
Alan Fabian
2014-08-23 10:09:26 UTC
Hi Kilian,

I did a lot of music with your ksquant-lib. and with your MusicXML-
converter during the last few weeks, these are very helpful tools for
my work.

Now I generated an ENP-score with ksquant and tried to export it to
MusicXML, but I got the following error-messages:
- "Ooops...MusicXML was not able to export your file"
- "Error: Division-by-Zero caused by / of (/ 1/4 0)" (Error-Logfile
(- Error-Logfile is attached)

I attached the ENP-score-data that causes the error.

Do you have an idea what might be the problem?

Thank's for your help,
Julien Vincenot
2014-08-25 23:55:32 UTC
Hi Kilian

Just to confirm Alan's report, I have very often the same error (oops etc.)
when trying to export scores produced by KSQuant objects.
That's a shame because both libraries work perfectly when used separately.
Is there somewhere a divergence of format between ENP standard scores and scores produced by simple2score?

Post by Alan Fabian
Hi Kilian,
I did a lot of music with your ksquant-lib. and with your MusicXML-converter during the last few weeks, these are very helpful tools for my work.
- "Ooops...MusicXML was not able to export your file"
- "Error: Division-by-Zero caused by / of (/ 1/4 0)" (Error-Logfile attached)
(- Error-Logfile is attached)
I attached the ENP-score-data that causes the error.
Do you have an idea what might be the problem?
Thank's for your help,