Javier Torres Maldonado
2014-03-28 23:00:40 UTC
I have some problems exporting MIDI files: when I try to export something from a Score-Editor I obtain a MIDI file with 00 duration (empty?), how can I solve this problem? I send attached a screen video recording to illustrate the problem.
Also I searched to do it from a Score-Editor, using the plugin "Export part as MIDI" unfortunately I obtained the same result.
I am using version rc18.
I have some problems exporting MIDI files: when I try to export something from a Score-Editor I obtain a MIDI file with 00 duration (empty?), how can I solve this problem? I send attached a screen video recording to illustrate the problem.
Also I searched to do it from a Score-Editor, using the plugin "Export part as MIDI" unfortunately I obtained the same result.
I am using version rc18.